Glen Harbor Capital Management, LLC
Glen Harbor Capital Management, LLC
Glen Harbor Capital Management, LLC (GHCM) is a limited liability incorporated in the state of Delaware on January 14, 2016. It uses Corporation Service Company as its resident agent.
GHCM meets the requirements set forth by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that cause it to file a Form 13F. This is a form meant to disclose to the public information regarding the securities holdings of institutional investors.
According to the public records] provided by by the SEC, the Business Manager of record as of December 31, 2017 was Kristy Woodward. There is an Kristy Woodward who is employed by the Mormon Church.
Domain Information
The Mormon Church owns the following domain names (all purchased on July 21, 2016):
The website provides information for investors including publicly accessed information from Form 13F. The details of the stocks owned by GHCM according to the most recently filed Form 13F can be found here. Previous filing can also be accessed on that same website.
Domain Name System
The authoritative Domain Name System (DNS) records of each of these domains is hosted on the same servers that perform the same function for,, and other well known domains owned by the Church. The DNS records for these domains contain IP addresses that are publicly known to be own by the Church. A technical explanation of the significance of these facts can be found here.
May 29, 2018 DNS Records (
May 29, 2018 DNS Records (PDF)