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[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_R._McConkie Bruce R. McConkie] was a long-time [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_authority General Authority] and member of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quorum_of_the_Twelve_Apostles_(LDS_Church) The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles]. He is primarily known as the author of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_Doctrine_(book) Mormon Doctrine] which was discontinued in 2010.
[[:Category:Bruce R. McConkie|Bruce R. McConkie]] was a long-time [[:Category:General Authorities|General Authority]] and member of the [[:Category:Quorum of the Twelve Apostles|Quorum of the Twelve Apostles]]. He is primarily known as the author of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_Doctrine_(book) Mormon Doctrine] which was discontinued in 2010.
The following are various files containing personal writings of Bruce R. McConkie that have never before been available to the public.
The following are various files containing personal writings of Bruce R. McConkie that have never before been available to the public.
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[[:File:CELESTIAL_AND_PLURAL_MARRAIGE-Bruce_R_McConkie-1967.pdf|Celestial and Plural Marriage]]
[[:File:CELESTIAL_AND_PLURAL_MARRAIGE-Bruce_R_McConkie-1967.pdf|Celestial and Plural Marriage]]
[[:File:CELESTIAL_AND_PLURAL_MARRAIGE-Bruce_R_McConkie-1967.pdf|Degrees of Glory and Hell]]
[[:File:DEGREES OF GLORY AND HELL-Bruce R McConkie-1967.pdf|Degrees of Glory and Hell]]
[[:File:EVERLASTING_GOSPEL-Bruce_R_McConkie-1967.pdf|Everlasting Gospel]]
[[:File:EVERLASTING_GOSPEL-Bruce_R_McConkie-1967.pdf|Everlasting Gospel]]
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[[:File:UNTITLED_HANDWRITTEN_TALK-Bruce_R_McConkie.pdf|Untitled Handwritten Talk]] - An originally handwritten talk. Date unknown.
[[:File:UNTITLED_HANDWRITTEN_TALK-Bruce_R_McConkie.pdf|Untitled Handwritten Talk]] - An originally handwritten talk. Date unknown.
[[Category:Bruce R. McConkie]]

Revision as of 05:41, 12 February 2018

Bruce R. McConkie was a long-time General Authority and member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He is primarily known as the author of Mormon Doctrine which was discontinued in 2010.

The following are various files containing personal writings of Bruce R. McConkie that have never before been available to the public.

Disclaimer: MormonLeaks™ has made every attempt to verify that these documents have never been released to the public. Due to the fact that it is impossible to know if we have exhausted all possible searches, we encourage our readers to alert us to any document that is already available on the internet. In the event that a document is available in book form but not online, we will keep the document posted and reference the book as well.

September 19, 2017

Take Down Demand and Response

DMCA Take Down Demand Re: The McConkie Papers

MormonLeaks' Response

Additional McConkie Papers

Pamphlets and Books

Mormons and Who They Worship - An undated excerpt from an unknown book or pamphlet.

Proselyting Principles - An undated excerpt from an unknown book or pamphlet.

The Godhead Part 1 - 1963 Book Manuscript

The Godhead Part 2 - 1963 Book Manuscript

The Godhead Part 3 - 1963 Book Manuscript

The Godhead Part 4 - 1963 Book Manuscript

The New Revelation on Priesthood - An excerpt from an out of print book titled Priesthood originally published in 1981.

The Ten Commandments of Priesthood Correlation and the Home Teaching Constitution - An undated excerpt from an unknown book or pamphlet.

The New Revelation on Priesthood - An excerpt from an out of print book titled Priesthood originally published in 1981.

Temple Addresses

Mesa, AZ Temple - A talk delivered during the 7th session of the Mesa, AZ Temple re-dedication on April 16,1975.

Logan, UT Temple - A talk delivered during the 1st session of the Logan, UT Temple re-dedication on March 13, 1979.

Seattle, WA Temple - A talk delivered during the 11th session of the Seattle, WA Temple dedication on November 21, 1981.

St. George Temple - A talk delivered during the 5th session of the St. George Temple re-dedication on November 12, 1975.

Washington D.C. - A talk delivered during the morning session of the Washington D.C. Temple dedication on November 22, 1974.

Non-Temple Dedications

BYU-Hawaii JFS Library Dedication - Dedicatory address and prayer delivered on October 14, 1977.

Groundbreaking Ceremony Prayer - Dedicatory prayer delivered at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Capitol Hill and the Capitol Hill Second Ward Building delivered on August 15, 1967.

Dedication of the Land of Indonesia - Talk delivered at the dedicatory service of the Land of Indonesia on October 26, 1969.

1967 CES Lectures Delivered on the BYU Campus (all files include notes from the Q&A portion of the lecture)


Calling and Election Part 1 of 3

Calling and Election Part 2 of 3

Calling and Election Part 3 of 3

Celestial and Plural Marriage

Degrees of Glory and Hell

Everlasting Gospel


God and the Godhead

God as Revealed in the Gospels

Holy Ghost and the Light of Christ

Jesus Taught: "I am the Son of God"

Jesus Worketh Miracles Part 1 of 2

Jesus Worketh Miracles 2 of 2

John the Baptist - His Mission

Keys of the Kingdom

Mortal Birth of our Lord

Our Lord From Infancy to Ministry


Patriarchal Order - Eternal Family Concept

Peter and His Apostolic Ministry

Pre-Mortal Existence

Restitution of all Things


Salvation and Exaltation

Salvation and Resurrection

Salvation for the Dead

Salvation - A Study in Contrasts

Salvation - Sons of God

Sermon on the Mount Part 1 of 2

Sermon on the Mount Part 2

Symbols of the Gospel Defined

The Man Called Peter

The Passover

When Will the Son of Man Come

Who Shall Stand at His Coming

July 24, 2017

1969 October Conference Talk - Undelivered talk prepared for the October 1969 General Conference.

Conference in Mexico - A talk prepared to be delivered in Mexico in August 1972.

1974 Conference Talk - Undelivered talk from 1974 prepared for April 1974 General Conference.

Bringing Up Children in Light and Truth - Undelivered talk meant for the Parents' Session of the Stockholm Area Conference in August 1974

Revelation - Talk dated December 1974.

By Grace Are Ye Saved - Talk from January 1975.

BYU Devotional - Notes for an undelivered talk intended for a January 1975 BYU Devotional.

Worshipping the Father in Spirit and in Truth - Undelivered talk prepared for the April 1975 General Conference.

Devotional Service - A talk that was prepared for a December 1975 BYU devotional.

Easter 1981 A Message From the First Presidency - Unpublished article McConkie wrote for the Easter 1981 First Presidency Message.

The Receipt of the Revelation Offering the Priesthood to Men of All Races and Colors - McConkie's personal account of the event surrounding the lifting of the priesthood ban dated June 30, 1978.

The True Christ - Talk dated November 1981.

The Kingdom of God or Nothing - Undelivered talk prepared for the April 1982 General Conference.

In His Name - Talk prepared in October 1982.

A Convert Called Peter - Undelivered talk prepared for an August 1983 General Authority Training Meeting.

A Prayer For All Israel - Undelivered talk prepared for the April 1984 General Conference.

Whose God is the Lord? - Talk written in April 1984.

In His Holy Name - Undelivered talk prepared for the April 1985 General Conference.

All Things: Their Creation, Fall, and Redemption - Unpublished manuscript. Date unknown.

Answers Grounded in Truth - Compilation of typed and originally handwritten notes. Date unknown.

Are Mormons Christians? - Unpublished Manuscript. Date unknown.

Are We Saved by the Blood of Christ? - Undelivered talk. Date unknown.

Miscellaneous Questions and Answers - Partial manuscript of a book that was intended to be McConkie answering gospel related questions. Date unknown.

Christ and Adam - An originally handwritten note in which McConkie laments the religion of evolution. Date unknown.

Doctrinal Basis for Conferring the Melchezedek Priesthood Upon the Negros - Outline to a talk. Date unknown.

How to Start a Cult - Unpublished manuscript of a book. Date unknown.

I Am the Resurrection, and the Life - Date unknown.

Intellectual Conceits - An originally handwritten note describing Satan's Personality. Date unknown.

The True Saints, Abiding Companion - An unpublished lesson. Date unknown.

One Priesthood - The Melchizedek - Date unknown.

Praise Ye His Name - Date unknown.

Pray Unto the Lord - An originally handwritten undelivered talk. Date unknown.

Salvation - Partial manuscript of a book. Date unknown.

The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood - Unpublished article intended for the Ensign Magazine. Date unknown.

The Parable of the Sorrowing Family - Date unknown.

Truth Versus Error - Date unknown.

Untitled Handwritten Talk - An originally handwritten talk. Date unknown.